Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/actions/checkout synced 2024-06-16 14:18:19 +02:00
Jeff Widman aea6c75c98
Suppress "detached head" advice during checkout
Checking out certain `ref` values will result in a warning about a detached `HEAD`:
You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by switching back to a branch.

If you want to create a new branch to retain commits you create, you may
do so (now or later) by using -c with the switch command. Example:

  git switch -c <new-branch-name>

Or undo this operation with:

  git switch -

Turn off this advice by setting config variable advice.detachedHead to false

However, this warning isn't useful in a CI environment... so suppress it.

I realize on the original bug report that one user mentioned this warning
highlighted a bug in his actions flow, but I consider that a super rare / happy accident.
99% of use cases will be _intentionally_ checking out a specific ref where
the detached head state is inevitable, so the warning is pure noise.

Passing the config this way sets it _only_ for this command. Note that it
must be set [_before_ calling `checkout`](https://stackoverflow.com/a/72588008/770425).

Resolve: https://github.com/actions/checkout/issues/494
2022-10-23 21:29:17 -07:00

507 lines
14 KiB

import * as core from '@actions/core'
import * as exec from '@actions/exec'
import * as fshelper from './fs-helper'
import * as io from '@actions/io'
import * as path from 'path'
import * as refHelper from './ref-helper'
import * as regexpHelper from './regexp-helper'
import * as retryHelper from './retry-helper'
import {GitVersion} from './git-version'
// Auth header not supported before 2.9
// Wire protocol v2 not supported before 2.18
export const MinimumGitVersion = new GitVersion('2.18')
export interface IGitCommandManager {
branchDelete(remote: boolean, branch: string): Promise<void>
branchExists(remote: boolean, pattern: string): Promise<boolean>
branchList(remote: boolean): Promise<string[]>
checkout(ref: string, startPoint: string): Promise<void>
checkoutDetach(): Promise<void>
configKey: string,
configValue: string,
globalConfig?: boolean,
add?: boolean
): Promise<void>
configExists(configKey: string, globalConfig?: boolean): Promise<boolean>
fetch(refSpec: string[], fetchDepth?: number): Promise<void>
getDefaultBranch(repositoryUrl: string): Promise<string>
getWorkingDirectory(): string
init(): Promise<void>
isDetached(): Promise<boolean>
lfsFetch(ref: string): Promise<void>
lfsInstall(): Promise<void>
log1(format?: string): Promise<string>
remoteAdd(remoteName: string, remoteUrl: string): Promise<void>
removeEnvironmentVariable(name: string): void
revParse(ref: string): Promise<string>
setEnvironmentVariable(name: string, value: string): void
shaExists(sha: string): Promise<boolean>
submoduleForeach(command: string, recursive: boolean): Promise<string>
submoduleSync(recursive: boolean): Promise<void>
submoduleUpdate(fetchDepth: number, recursive: boolean): Promise<void>
tagExists(pattern: string): Promise<boolean>
tryClean(): Promise<boolean>
tryConfigUnset(configKey: string, globalConfig?: boolean): Promise<boolean>
tryDisableAutomaticGarbageCollection(): Promise<boolean>
tryGetFetchUrl(): Promise<string>
tryReset(): Promise<boolean>
export async function createCommandManager(
workingDirectory: string,
lfs: boolean
): Promise<IGitCommandManager> {
return await GitCommandManager.createCommandManager(workingDirectory, lfs)
class GitCommandManager {
private gitEnv = {
GIT_TERMINAL_PROMPT: '0', // Disable git prompt
GCM_INTERACTIVE: 'Never' // Disable prompting for git credential manager
private gitPath = ''
private lfs = false
private workingDirectory = ''
// Private constructor; use createCommandManager()
private constructor() {}
async branchDelete(remote: boolean, branch: string): Promise<void> {
const args = ['branch', '--delete', '--force']
if (remote) {
await this.execGit(args)
async branchExists(remote: boolean, pattern: string): Promise<boolean> {
const args = ['branch', '--list']
if (remote) {
const output = await this.execGit(args)
return !!output.stdout.trim()
async branchList(remote: boolean): Promise<string[]> {
const result: string[] = []
// Note, this implementation uses "rev-parse --symbolic-full-name" because the output from
// "branch --list" is more difficult when in a detached HEAD state.
// Note, this implementation uses "rev-parse --symbolic-full-name" because there is a bug
// in Git 2.18 that causes "rev-parse --symbolic" to output symbolic full names.
const args = ['rev-parse', '--symbolic-full-name']
if (remote) {
} else {
const output = await this.execGit(args)
for (let branch of output.stdout.trim().split('\n')) {
branch = branch.trim()
if (branch) {
if (branch.startsWith('refs/heads/')) {
branch = branch.substr('refs/heads/'.length)
} else if (branch.startsWith('refs/remotes/')) {
branch = branch.substr('refs/remotes/'.length)
return result
async checkout(ref: string, startPoint: string): Promise<void> {
const args = ['-c advice.detachedHead=false', 'checkout', '--progress', '--force']
if (startPoint) {
args.push('-B', ref, startPoint)
} else {
await this.execGit(args)
async checkoutDetach(): Promise<void> {
const args = ['checkout', '--detach']
await this.execGit(args)
async config(
configKey: string,
configValue: string,
globalConfig?: boolean,
add?: boolean
): Promise<void> {
const args: string[] = ['config', globalConfig ? '--global' : '--local']
if (add) {
args.push(...[configKey, configValue])
await this.execGit(args)
async configExists(
configKey: string,
globalConfig?: boolean
): Promise<boolean> {
const pattern = regexpHelper.escape(configKey)
const output = await this.execGit(
globalConfig ? '--global' : '--local',
return output.exitCode === 0
async fetch(refSpec: string[], fetchDepth?: number): Promise<void> {
const args = ['-c', 'protocol.version=2', 'fetch']
if (!refSpec.some(x => x === refHelper.tagsRefSpec)) {
args.push('--prune', '--progress', '--no-recurse-submodules')
if (fetchDepth && fetchDepth > 0) {
} else if (
path.join(this.workingDirectory, '.git', 'shallow')
) {
for (const arg of refSpec) {
const that = this
await retryHelper.execute(async () => {
await that.execGit(args)
async getDefaultBranch(repositoryUrl: string): Promise<string> {
let output: GitOutput | undefined
await retryHelper.execute(async () => {
output = await this.execGit([
if (output) {
// Satisfy compiler, will always be set
for (let line of output.stdout.trim().split('\n')) {
line = line.trim()
if (line.startsWith('ref:') || line.endsWith('HEAD')) {
return line
.substr('ref:'.length, line.length - 'ref:'.length - 'HEAD'.length)
throw new Error('Unexpected output when retrieving default branch')
getWorkingDirectory(): string {
return this.workingDirectory
async init(): Promise<void> {
await this.execGit(['init', this.workingDirectory])
async isDetached(): Promise<boolean> {
// Note, "branch --show-current" would be simpler but isn't available until Git 2.22
const output = await this.execGit(
['rev-parse', '--symbolic-full-name', '--verify', '--quiet', 'HEAD'],
return !output.stdout.trim().startsWith('refs/heads/')
async lfsFetch(ref: string): Promise<void> {
const args = ['lfs', 'fetch', 'origin', ref]
const that = this
await retryHelper.execute(async () => {
await that.execGit(args)
async lfsInstall(): Promise<void> {
await this.execGit(['lfs', 'install', '--local'])
async log1(format?: string): Promise<string> {
var args = format ? ['log', '-1', format] : ['log', '-1']
var silent = format ? false : true
const output = await this.execGit(args, false, silent)
return output.stdout
async remoteAdd(remoteName: string, remoteUrl: string): Promise<void> {
await this.execGit(['remote', 'add', remoteName, remoteUrl])
removeEnvironmentVariable(name: string): void {
delete this.gitEnv[name]
* Resolves a ref to a SHA. For a branch or lightweight tag, the commit SHA is returned.
* For an annotated tag, the tag SHA is returned.
* @param {string} ref For example: 'refs/heads/main' or '/refs/tags/v1'
* @returns {Promise<string>}
async revParse(ref: string): Promise<string> {
const output = await this.execGit(['rev-parse', ref])
return output.stdout.trim()
setEnvironmentVariable(name: string, value: string): void {
this.gitEnv[name] = value
async shaExists(sha: string): Promise<boolean> {
const args = ['rev-parse', '--verify', '--quiet', `${sha}^{object}`]
const output = await this.execGit(args, true)
return output.exitCode === 0
async submoduleForeach(command: string, recursive: boolean): Promise<string> {
const args = ['submodule', 'foreach']
if (recursive) {
const output = await this.execGit(args)
return output.stdout
async submoduleSync(recursive: boolean): Promise<void> {
const args = ['submodule', 'sync']
if (recursive) {
await this.execGit(args)
async submoduleUpdate(fetchDepth: number, recursive: boolean): Promise<void> {
const args = ['-c', 'protocol.version=2']
args.push('submodule', 'update', '--init', '--force')
if (fetchDepth > 0) {
if (recursive) {
await this.execGit(args)
async tagExists(pattern: string): Promise<boolean> {
const output = await this.execGit(['tag', '--list', pattern])
return !!output.stdout.trim()
async tryClean(): Promise<boolean> {
const output = await this.execGit(['clean', '-ffdx'], true)
return output.exitCode === 0
async tryConfigUnset(
configKey: string,
globalConfig?: boolean
): Promise<boolean> {
const output = await this.execGit(
globalConfig ? '--global' : '--local',
return output.exitCode === 0
async tryDisableAutomaticGarbageCollection(): Promise<boolean> {
const output = await this.execGit(
['config', '--local', 'gc.auto', '0'],
return output.exitCode === 0
async tryGetFetchUrl(): Promise<string> {
const output = await this.execGit(
['config', '--local', '--get', 'remote.origin.url'],
if (output.exitCode !== 0) {
return ''
const stdout = output.stdout.trim()
if (stdout.includes('\n')) {
return ''
return stdout
async tryReset(): Promise<boolean> {
const output = await this.execGit(['reset', '--hard', 'HEAD'], true)
return output.exitCode === 0
static async createCommandManager(
workingDirectory: string,
lfs: boolean
): Promise<GitCommandManager> {
const result = new GitCommandManager()
await result.initializeCommandManager(workingDirectory, lfs)
return result
private async execGit(
args: string[],
allowAllExitCodes = false,
silent = false
): Promise<GitOutput> {
fshelper.directoryExistsSync(this.workingDirectory, true)
const result = new GitOutput()
const env = {}
for (const key of Object.keys(process.env)) {
env[key] = process.env[key]
for (const key of Object.keys(this.gitEnv)) {
env[key] = this.gitEnv[key]
const stdout: string[] = []
const options = {
cwd: this.workingDirectory,
ignoreReturnCode: allowAllExitCodes,
listeners: {
stdout: (data: Buffer) => {
result.exitCode = await exec.exec(`"${this.gitPath}"`, args, options)
result.stdout = stdout.join('')
return result
private async initializeCommandManager(
workingDirectory: string,
lfs: boolean
): Promise<void> {
this.workingDirectory = workingDirectory
// Git-lfs will try to pull down assets if any of the local/user/system setting exist.
// If the user didn't enable `LFS` in their pipeline definition, disable LFS fetch/checkout.
this.lfs = lfs
if (!this.lfs) {
this.gitEnv['GIT_LFS_SKIP_SMUDGE'] = '1'
this.gitPath = await io.which('git', true)
// Git version
core.debug('Getting git version')
let gitVersion = new GitVersion()
let gitOutput = await this.execGit(['version'])
let stdout = gitOutput.stdout.trim()
if (!stdout.includes('\n')) {
const match = stdout.match(/\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)?/)
if (match) {
gitVersion = new GitVersion(match[0])
if (!gitVersion.isValid()) {
throw new Error('Unable to determine git version')
// Minimum git version
if (!gitVersion.checkMinimum(MinimumGitVersion)) {
throw new Error(
`Minimum required git version is ${MinimumGitVersion}. Your git ('${this.gitPath}') is ${gitVersion}`
if (this.lfs) {
// Git-lfs version
core.debug('Getting git-lfs version')
let gitLfsVersion = new GitVersion()
const gitLfsPath = await io.which('git-lfs', true)
gitOutput = await this.execGit(['lfs', 'version'])
stdout = gitOutput.stdout.trim()
if (!stdout.includes('\n')) {
const match = stdout.match(/\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)?/)
if (match) {
gitLfsVersion = new GitVersion(match[0])
if (!gitLfsVersion.isValid()) {
throw new Error('Unable to determine git-lfs version')
// Minimum git-lfs version
// Note:
// - Auth header not supported before 2.1
const minimumGitLfsVersion = new GitVersion('2.1')
if (!gitLfsVersion.checkMinimum(minimumGitLfsVersion)) {
throw new Error(
`Minimum required git-lfs version is ${minimumGitLfsVersion}. Your git-lfs ('${gitLfsPath}') is ${gitLfsVersion}`
// Set the user agent
const gitHttpUserAgent = `git/${gitVersion} (github-actions-checkout)`
core.debug(`Set git useragent to: ${gitHttpUserAgent}`)
this.gitEnv['GIT_HTTP_USER_AGENT'] = gitHttpUserAgent
class GitOutput {
stdout = ''
exitCode = 0