#!/usr/bin/env ruby # # rubberin - a rubber wrapper using inotify # # Copyright (C) 2007 Paul van Tilburg # # This script can assist the authoring of LaTeX documents. It acts as an # drop-in replacement for rubber. While rubber would just perform a # compilation of the LaTeX file, rubberin will perform a compilation (using # rubber) each time it detects a modification in the LaTeX file or any of # its dependencies (include files, BibTeX files, image, etc.) until # rubberin is interrupted. Additionally, rubberin spawns a viewer to view # the result of the LaTeX compilation and forces it to reload every time # rubberin has recompiled the LaTeX file. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your # option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WAR RANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General # Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along # with this p rogram; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA require 'getoptlong' require 'rb-inotify' require 'pathname' # Small necessary Pathname class extension. class Pathname def extname=(ext) raise "Invalid extension" unless ext.is_a? String and ext.match(/^\./) @path.sub!(/#{extname}$/, ext) end end ## Helper methods # Print the usage. def usage puts "Usage: #{Program} [options]... [tex-file] [rubber-options]..." end # Print the command line help. def help usage puts "Wrapper for rubber that facilitates automatic compiling and viewer updating" puts "when the input file or dependancy files are modified." puts puts "Available options:" puts " -d, --pdf produce a PDF file (via ps2pdf if used with -p)" puts " -h, --help display this help" puts " -p, --ps produce a PostScript file" puts "The options --pdf and --ps are passed to rubber like all options not listed above." end # Compile the input file using the right options based on the mode. def compile(infile, mode) mode_opt = {:pdf => "--pdf", :ps => "--ps", :pspdf => "--ps --pdf"}[mode] params = ARGV.join(' ') err_file = infile.with_extname('err') ret = system "rubber --inplace #{mode_opt} #{params} #{infile} 2> #{err_file}" File.open(err_file) { |file| puts file.read } # Remove the output save file if compile was succesful. #clean(infile) if ret end # Start the right viewer based on the mode. def view(infile, mode) case mode when :dvi exec "xdvi.bin", "-watchfile", "1", "-name", "xdvi", infile.with_extname('dvi').to_s when :ps exec "evince", infile.with_extname('ps').to_s when :pdf, :pspdf exec "evince", infile.with_extname('pdf').to_s end end # Clean up cruft related to compilation of the input file. def clean(infile) err_file = infile.with_extname('err') File.unlink(err_file) if err_file.exist? system "rubber --clean --inplace #{infile}" end # Reload the right viewer based on the mode. def reload(infile, mode) case mode when :ps system "evince", infile.with_extname('ps').to_s when :pdf, :pspdf system "evince", infile.with_extname('pdf').to_s end end ## Initialisation Program = File.basename $0 Version = '0.6' # Parse the command line options. # Determine the compile mode from the options. mode = :dvi opts = GetoptLong.new( [ "--help", "-h", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], [ "--ps", "-p", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], [ "--pdf", "-d", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ], [ "--version", "-v", GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT ]) opts.ordering = GetoptLong::REQUIRE_ORDER opts.quiet = true opts.each do |opt, arg| case opt when "--help" help exit 0 when "--ps" mode = :ps when "--pdf" mode = if mode == :ps then :pspdf else :pdf end when "--version" puts "#{Program} #{Version}" exit 0 end end # Get the input file from the arguments. if ARGV.length < 1 usage exit 1 else infile = Pathname.new(ARGV.shift) def infile.base self.basename(self.extname) end def infile.with_extname(ext) file = self.base file.extname = ".#{ext}" file end end # Check the input file. begin File.open(infile) {} rescue => err puts "#{Program}: #{err}" exit 2 end # Find the dependancies of the input file using rubber-info and # do an initial run. files = `rubber-info --deps #{infile}`.chomp.split compile(infile, mode) puts "" # Spawn a viewer based on the mode. viewer_pid = fork view(infile, mode) if not viewer_pid # Handle signals. ["INT", "TERM", "QUIT"].each do |sig| Signal.trap(sig) do Process.kill(sig, viewer_pid) clean(infile) exit end end # If xdvi exits, this program should exit too. Signal.trap("CLD") do puts "#{Program}: viewer exited, so will I!" clean(infile) exit end ## Main event loop # Add input file with dependancies to the watch list and start event loop. notifier = INotify::Notifier.new dirs = files.map { |file| File.dirname(file) } dirs.each do |dir| # Set up a watch per directory notifier.watch(dir, :close_write) do |ev| # Only compile if a dependency of the input file has been modified next unless files.include?(dir + "/" + ev.name) puts "I: file #{ev.name} modified, compiling #{infile}..." compile(infile, mode) reload(infile, mode) puts "" end end notifier.run