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2022-02-12 21:08:13 +01:00
//! Maps retrieval and caching.
//! This module provides a task that keeps maps up-to-date using a maps-specific refresh interval.
//! It stores all the maps as [`DynamicImage`]s in memory.
// TODO: Allow dead code until #9 is implemented.
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use chrono::serde::ts_seconds;
use chrono::{DateTime, Utc};
use image::{DynamicImage, ImageFormat};
use reqwest::Url;
use rocket::serde::Serialize;
use rocket::tokio;
2022-02-12 21:08:13 +01:00
use rocket::tokio::time::{sleep, Duration, Instant};
use crate::position::Position;
/// A handle to access the in-memory cached maps.
pub(crate) type MapsHandle = Arc<Mutex<Maps>>;
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/// The interval between map refreshes (in seconds).
const REFRESH_INTERVAL: Duration = Duration::from_secs(60);
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/// The base URL for retrieving the pollen maps from Buienradar.
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const POLLEN_BASE_URL: &str =
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/// The interval for retrieving pollen maps.
/// The endpoint provides a map for every hour, 24 in total.
const POLLEN_INTERVAL: Duration = Duration::from_secs(3_600);
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/// The number of pollen maps retained.
const POLLEN_MAP_COUNT: u32 = 24;
/// The number of seconds each pollen map is for.
const POLLEN_MAP_INTERVAL: u64 = 3_600;
/// The position reference points for the pollen map.
/// Maps the gecoded positions of two reference points as follows:
/// * Latitude and longitude of Vlissingen to its y- and x-position
/// * Latitude of Lauwersoog to its y-position and longitude of Enschede to its x-position
const POLLEN_MAP_REF_POINTS: [(Position, (u32, u32)); 2] = [
(Position::new(5.1, 3.57), (84, 745)), // Vlissingen
(Position::new(53.4, 6.9), (111, 694)), // Lauwersoog (lat/y) and Enschede (lon/x)
/// The base URL for retrieving the UV index maps from Buienradar.
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const UVI_BASE_URL: &str = "\
2022-02-12 21:08:13 +01:00
/// The interval for retrieving UV index maps.
/// The endpoint provides a map for every day, 5 in total.
const UVI_INTERVAL: Duration = Duration::from_secs(24 * 3_600);
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/// The number of UV index maps retained.
const UVI_MAP_COUNT: u32 = 5;
/// The number of seconds each UV index map is for.
const UVI_MAP_INTERVAL: u64 = 24 * 3_600;
/// The position reference points for the UV index map.
const POLLEN_UVI_REF_POINT: [(Position, (u32, u32)); 2] = POLLEN_MAP_REF_POINTS;
/// The `MapsRefresh` trait is used to reduce the time a lock needs to be held when updating maps.
/// When refreshing maps, the lock only needs to be held when checking whether a refresh is
/// necessary and when the new maps have been retrieved and can be updated.
trait MapsRefresh {
/// Determines whether the pollen maps need to be refreshed.
fn needs_pollen_refresh(&self) -> bool;
/// Determines whether the UV index maps need to be refreshed.
fn needs_uvi_refresh(&self) -> bool;
/// Determines whether the pollen maps are stale.
fn is_pollen_stale(&self) -> bool;
/// Determines whether the UV index maps are stale.
fn is_uvi_stale(&self) -> bool;
/// Updates the pollen maps.
fn set_pollen(&self, pollen: Option<DynamicImage>);
/// Updates the UV index maps.
fn set_uvi(&self, uvi: Option<DynamicImage>);
2022-02-12 21:08:13 +01:00
/// Container type for all in-memory cached maps.
pub(crate) struct Maps {
/// The pollen maps (from Buienradar).
pub(crate) pollen: Option<DynamicImage>,
/// The timestamp the pollen maps were last refreshed.
pollen_stamp: Instant,
/// The UV index maps (from Buienradar).
pub(crate) uvi: Option<DynamicImage>,
/// The timestamp the UV index maps were last refreshed.
uvi_stamp: Instant,
impl Maps {
/// Creates a new maps cache.
/// It contains an [`DynamicImage`] per maps type, if downloaded, and the timestamp of the last
/// update.
2022-02-12 21:08:13 +01:00
pub(crate) fn new() -> Self {
let now = Instant::now();
Self {
pollen: None,
pollen_stamp: now,
uvi: None,
uvi_stamp: now,
/// Returns the pollen map for the given instant.
/// This returns [`None`] if the maps are not in the cache yet, or if `instant` is too far in the
/// future with respect to the cached maps.
pub(crate) fn pollen_at(&self, instant: Instant) -> Option<DynamicImage> {
let duration = instant.duration_since(self.pollen_stamp);
let offset = (duration.as_secs() / POLLEN_MAP_INTERVAL) as u32;
// Check if out of bounds.
if offset >= POLLEN_MAP_COUNT {
return None;
self.pollen.as_ref().map(|map| {
let width = map.width() / POLLEN_MAP_COUNT;
map.crop_imm(offset * width, 0, width, map.height())
/// Projects the provided geocoded position to a coordinat on a pollen map.
/// This returns [`None`] if the maps are not in the cache yet.
fn pollen_project(&self, _position: Position) -> Option<(u32, u32)> {
// TODO: Use map width (with `POLLEN_MAP_COUNT`), map height and `POLLEN_MAP_REF_POINTS`.
// Then, call shared function with `uvi_sample`.
/// Samples the pollen maps for the given position.
/// This returns [`None`] if the maps are not in the cache yet.
/// Otherwise, it returns [`Some`] with a list of pollen sample, one for each map
/// in the series of maps.
pub(crate) fn pollen_sample(&self, _position: Position) -> Option<Vec<PollenSample>> {
// TODO: Sample each map using the projected coordinates from the pollen map
// timestamp, yielding it for each `POLLEN_MAP_INTERVAL`.
/// Returns the UV index map for the given instant.
/// This returns [`None`] if the maps are not in the cache yet, or if `instant` is too far in
/// the future with respect to the cached maps.
pub(crate) fn uvi_at(&self, instant: Instant) -> Option<DynamicImage> {
let duration = instant.duration_since(self.uvi_stamp);
let offset = (duration.as_secs() / UVI_MAP_INTERVAL) as u32;
// Check if out of bounds.
if offset >= UVI_MAP_COUNT {
return None;
self.uvi.as_ref().map(|map| {
let width = map.width() / UVI_MAP_COUNT;
map.crop_imm(offset * width, 0, width, map.height())
/// Projects the provided geocoded position to a coordinat on an UV index map.
/// This returns [`None`] if the maps are not in the cache yet.
fn uvi_project(&self, _position: Position) -> Option<(u32, u32)> {
// TODO: Use map width (with `UVI_MAP_COUNT`), map height and `UVI_MAP_REF_POINTS`.
// Then, call shared function with `pollen_sample`.
/// Samples the UV index maps for the given position.
/// This returns [`None`] if the maps are not in the cache yet.
/// Otherwise, it returns [`Some`] with a list of UV index sample, one for each map
/// in the series of maps.
pub(crate) fn uvi_sample(&self, _position: Position) -> Option<Vec<UviSample>> {
// TODO: Sample each map using the projected coordinates from the UV index map
// timestamp, yielding it for each `UVI_MAP_INTERVAL`.
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impl MapsRefresh for MapsHandle {
fn is_pollen_stale(&self) -> bool {
let maps = self.lock().expect("Maps handle mutex was poisoned");
> Duration::from_secs(POLLEN_MAP_COUNT as u64 * POLLEN_MAP_INTERVAL)
fn is_uvi_stale(&self) -> bool {
let maps = self.lock().expect("Maps handle mutex was poisoned");
> Duration::from_secs(UVI_MAP_COUNT as u64 * UVI_MAP_INTERVAL)
fn needs_pollen_refresh(&self) -> bool {
2022-02-13 16:55:03 +01:00
let maps = self.lock().expect("Maps handle mutex was poisoned");
maps.pollen.is_none() || Instant::now().duration_since(maps.pollen_stamp) > POLLEN_INTERVAL
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2022-02-12 17:20:36 +01:00
fn needs_uvi_refresh(&self) -> bool {
2022-02-13 16:55:03 +01:00
let maps = self.lock().expect("Maps handle mutex was poisoned");
maps.uvi.is_none() || Instant::now().duration_since(maps.uvi_stamp) > UVI_INTERVAL
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fn set_pollen(&self, pollen: Option<DynamicImage>) {
if pollen.is_some() || self.is_pollen_stale() {
let mut maps = self.lock().expect("Maps handle mutex was poisoned");
maps.pollen = pollen;
maps.pollen_stamp = Instant::now();
2022-02-12 21:08:13 +01:00
fn set_uvi(&self, uvi: Option<DynamicImage>) {
if uvi.is_some() || self.is_uvi_stale() {
let mut maps = self.lock().expect("Maps handle mutex was poisoned");
maps.uvi = uvi;
maps.uvi_stamp = Instant::now();
2022-02-12 21:08:13 +01:00
/// A Buienradar pollen map sample.
/// This represents a value at a given time.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize)]
#[serde(crate = "rocket::serde")]
pub(crate) struct PollenSample {
/// The time(stamp) of the forecast.
#[serde(serialize_with = "ts_seconds::serialize")]
time: DateTime<Utc>,
/// The forecasted value.
/// A value in the range `1..=10`.
value: u8,
/// A Buienradar UV index map sample.
/// This represents a value at a given time.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize)]
#[serde(crate = "rocket::serde")]
pub(crate) struct UviSample {
/// The time(stamp) of the forecast.
#[serde(serialize_with = "ts_seconds::serialize")]
time: DateTime<Utc>,
/// The forecasted value.
/// A value in the range `1..=10`.
value: u8,
2022-02-12 21:08:13 +01:00
/// Retrieves an image from the provided URL.
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/// This returns [`None`] if it fails in either performing the request, retrieving the bytes from
/// the image or loading and the decoding the data into [`DynamicImage`].
async fn retrieve_image(url: Url) -> Option<DynamicImage> {
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// TODO: Handle or log errors!
let response = reqwest::get(url).await.ok()?;
let bytes = response.bytes().await.ok()?;
tokio::task::spawn_blocking(move || {
image::load_from_memory_with_format(&bytes, ImageFormat::Png)
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/// Retrieves the pollen maps from Buienradar.
/// See [`POLLEN_BASE_URL`] for the base URL and [`retrieve_image`] for the retrieval function.
async fn retrieve_pollen_maps() -> Option<DynamicImage> {
let timestamp = format!("{}", chrono::Local::now().format("%y%m%d%H%M"));
let mut url = Url::parse(POLLEN_BASE_URL).unwrap();
url.query_pairs_mut().append_pair("timestamp", &timestamp);
println!("🔽 Refreshing pollen maps from: {}", url);
/// Retrieves the UV index maps from Buienradar.
/// See [`UVI_BASE_URL`] for the base URL and [`retrieve_image`] for the retrieval function.
async fn retrieve_uvi_maps() -> Option<DynamicImage> {
let timestamp = format!("{}", chrono::Local::now().format("%y%m%d%H%M"));
let mut url = Url::parse(UVI_BASE_URL).unwrap();
url.query_pairs_mut().append_pair("timestamp", &timestamp);
println!("🔽 Refreshing UV index maps from: {}", url);
/// Runs a loop that keeps refreshing the maps when necessary.
/// Use [`MapsRefresh`] trait methods on `maps_handle` to check whether each maps type needs to be
/// refreshed and uses its retrieval function to update it if necessary.
pub(crate) async fn run(maps_handle: MapsHandle) -> ! {
loop {
println!("🕔 Refreshing the maps (if necessary)...");
if maps_handle.needs_pollen_refresh() {
let pollen = retrieve_pollen_maps().await;
if maps_handle.needs_uvi_refresh() {
let uvi = retrieve_uvi_maps().await;