# Sinoptik Sinoptik is a (REST) API service that provides an API for today's weather forecast. It can provide you with a specific set or all available metrics that it supports. Currently supported metrics are: * Air quality index (per hour, from [Luchtmeetnet]) * NO₂ concentration (per hour, from [Luchtmeetnet]) * O₃ concentration (per hour, from [Luchtmeetnet]) * Particulate matter (PM10) concentration (per hour, from [Luchtmeetnet]) * Pollen (per hour, from [Buienradar]) * Pollen/air quality index (per hour, from [Buienradar]) * Precipitation (per 5 minutes, from [Buienradar]) * UV index (per day, from [Buienradar]) [Buienradar]: https://buienradar.nl [Luchtmeetnet]: https://luchtmeetnet.nl Because of the currently supported data providers, only data for The Netherlands can be queried. ## Building & running Using Cargo, it is easy to build and run Sinoptik, just run: ```shell $ cargo run --release ``` (Note that Rocket listens on by default for debug builds, i.e. if you don't add `--release`.) You can provide Rocket with configuration to use a different address and/or port. Just create a `Rocket.toml` file that contains: ```toml [default] address = port = 4321 ``` ## Forecast API The `/forcast` endpoint provides forecasts per requested metric a list of forecast item which are each comprised of a value and its (UNIX) timestamp. It does so for a requested location. ### Locations To select a location, you can either provide an address, or a geocoded position by providing a latitude and longitude. For example to get forecasts for all metrics for the Stationsplein in Utrecht, use: ``` GET /forecast?address=Stationsplein,Utrecht&metrics[]=all ``` or directly by using its geocoded position: ``` GET /forecast?lat=52.0902&lon=5.1114&metrics[]=all ``` ### Metrics When querying, the metrics need to be selected. It can be one of: `AQI`, `NO2`, `O3`, `PAQI`, `PM10`, `pollen`, `precipitation` or `UVI`. If you use metric `all`, or `all` is part of the selected metrics, all metrics will be retrieved. Note that the parameter "array" as well as the repeated parameter notations are supported. For example: ``` GET /address=Stationsplein,Utrecht&metrics[]=AQI&metrics[]=pollen GET /address=Stationsplein,Utrecht&metrics=AQI&metrics=pollen GET /address=Stationsplein,Utrecht&metrics=all ``` ## License Sinoptik is licensed under the MIT license (see the `LICENSE` file or ).