# plemp.rb - The Plemp! application, create your own on-line pile of junk! # # Plemp! is Copyright © 2010 Paul van Tilburg # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. require "active_record" require "camping" require "coderay" require "fileutils" require "json" require "markaby" require "mime/types" require "pathname" Camping.goes :Plemp # We want (somewhat) indent HTML to be produced. Markaby::Builder.set(:indent, 2) # Global variables. unless defined? BASE_DIR BASE_DIR = Pathname.new(__FILE__).dirname PUBLIC_DIR = BASE_DIR + "public" UPLOAD_DIR = BASE_DIR + "upload" Program = "Plemp!" Version = "0.1" end # = The Plemp module module Plemp # Calls methods at application creation/setup time. def self.create Plemp::Models.create_schema end end # = The Plemp models module Plemp::Models # = The draggable model class # # This class represents an draggable object attached to an uploaded # file. class Draggable < Base end # = The basic fields class # # Class that connects model classes to database tables. class BasicFields < V 1.0 def self.up create_table Draggable.table_name do |d| d.string :file d.integer :left, :top, :z_index # This gives us created_at and updated_at. d.timestamps end end def self.down drop_table Draggable.table_name end end end # module Plemp::Models # = The Plemp controllers module Plemp::Controllers # = The index controller # # Main controller that shows the canvas with the draggable objects. # # path:: / # view:: Views#main class Index # Retrieves all draggables and renders the main view. def get @draggables = Draggable.all render :main end end # = The current controller # # Controller accessed through AJAX requests by the main page for getting # the current (global) state (position) of the draggables. # # path:: /current # view:: N/A class Current # Retrieves all draggables with there top/left position and returns # an Hash in JSON format. def get out = Hash.new Draggable.all.each { |d| out[d.file] = [d.left, d.top] } $stderr.puts("Current status requested: #{out.to_json}") out.to_json end end # = The position save controller # # Controller used through AJAX request by the main page for committing # position changes of the draggables to the database, i.e. the global # state. # # path:: /savepos/// # view:: N/A class SaveposXXX # Retrieves the draggable _file_ from the database and updates its # _top_ and _left_ position. def post(file, top, left) [top, left].each { |pos| pos.gsub!(/px$/, '') } $stderr.puts("Got: file id: #{file} -> top: #{top}, left: #{left}") drag = Draggable.find_by_file(file) drag.top = top drag.left = left drag.save "" end end # = The static controller # # Controller to serve static data from either the public or upload # subdirectory using X-Sendfile. # # path:: /static/(public,upload)/ # view:: N/A (X-Sendfile) class StaticXX # Determines the MIME type of the file referenced by _path_ and sets # the suitable headers and X-Sendfile header. The _type_ can be either # _public_ if the file came with Plemp!, or _upload_ if the file was # once uploaded to Plemp!. def get(type, path) mime_type = MIME::Types.type_for(path).first @headers['Content-Type'] = mime_type.nil? ? "text/plain" : mime_type.to_s unless path.include? ".." or not ["public", "upload"].include? type @headers['X-Sendfile'] = (BASE_DIR + type + path).to_s else @status = "403" "Error 403: Invalid path: #{path}" end end end # = The upload controller # # Controller to handle uploads from the main site. This can either # be a file or some pasted text. After upload the controler redirects # to the main page which includes the just uploaded file. # # path:: /upload # redirect:: Index class Upload # Creates a text file from input text or otherise from the supplied # uploaded temp file. The file name is base on the current timestamp # plus the appropriate extension. Also creates an Draggable object in # the database. def post # TODO: store the MIME type in the database! # TODO: in case of text + filename, commit both. if @input.text.empty? # Text input has priority over file uploads. orig_ext = File.extname(@input.file[:filename]).downcase file_base = Time.now.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S#{orig_ext}") contents = @input.file[:tempfile].read else file_base = Time.now.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S.txt") contents = @input.text.chomp + "\n" end new_file = UPLOAD_DIR + file_base new_file.open("w") do |f| f.write(contents) end Draggable.create(:file => file_base, :left => 350, :top => 200, :z_index => 0) redirect Index end end end # module Plemp::Controllers # The Plemp views module Plemp::Views # The main layout used by Controllers::*#render. Loads the appropriate # style and JavaScript files. def layout xhtml_strict do head do title "Plemp!" link :rel => "stylesheet", :type => "text/css", :media => "screen", :href => R(StaticXX, "public", "plemp.css") ['prototype', 'scriptaculous', 'dragreg'].each do |js| script :src => R(StaticXX, "public", "#{js}.js"), :type => "text/javascript" end script :type => "text/javascript" do "init_plemp();" end end # TODO: move this to init_plemp()? body(:onLoad => "return setup_draggables();") do self << yield end end end # The main view. Shows the header, the (hidden) add_dialog and the # cavnas with the draggable objects. def main div.header! do h1 do div.title! { span Program; span.subtitle! "v#{Version}" } div.add!(:onClick => "show_add_dialog(); return false;") { "+" } end end add_dialog draggables end # The add dialog. A hidden dialog only shown when the Plus button/key # is used. Uses Controllers::Upload to upload a file or pasted text. def add_dialog div.add_dialog!(:style => "display:none;") do div.background {} form :action => R(Upload), :method => "post", :id => "add_form", :enctype => "multipart/form-data" do h2 "Plemp it!" p "Scribble something below:" textarea :name => "text", :id => "text", :cols => 60, :rows => 12 p do span "… or upload a file:" input :name => "file", :id => "file", :type => "file" end div.right do input :type => "button", :value => "Cancel", :onClick => "hide_add_dialog(); return false;" input :type => "submit", :value => "Upload!" end end end end # The canvas with draggables. Creates a draggable HTML element including # the actually contents of the associated file per Draggable object in # the database. def draggables div.draggables! do @draggables.each do |d| file = UPLOAD_DIR + d.file unless file.exist? # The associated file of this Draggable object is gone, remove # the object from the database too. d.destroy next end # Determine the MIME type. file_type = `file --brief --mime-type #{file}`.chomp mime_type = MIME::Types[file_type].first if mime_type.nil? mime_type = MIME::Type.new(file_type) end # Create an HTML element based on the type of the Draggable object. default_style = "left:#{d.left}px;top:#{d.top}px;z-index:0;display:none" case mime_type.media_type when "image" img.draggable :id => d.file, :style => default_style, :src => R(StaticXX, "upload", file.basename), :alt => file.basename when "video" # HTML5 is not supported by Markaby! self << \ " \n" when "audio" # HTML5 is not supported by Markaby! self << " \n" when "text" div.draggable :id => d.file, :style => default_style do CodeRay.scan_file(file).div(:tab_width => 2, :line_numbers => :inline) end else span.draggable :id => d.file, :style => default_style do em "#{d.file}: Unsupported file type!" end end # case end end end # def draggables end # module Plemp::Views