--- title: Some Links inMenu: true --- h2. Luon Network Links; Below are some links to pages/sites of our running services that expose information or a user interface to the web: * "Banaan!":http://banaan.luon.net/, your friendly homepage * "CA":http://ca.luon.net/, our own certificate authority * "Calendar":http://calendar.luon.net/, CalDAV/iCal service * "Contacts":http://contacts.luon.net/, CardDAV service * "FTP":ftp://ftp.luon.net/, web view on our file server * "Git":http://git.luon.net, web access to the Git repositories * "Jabber":http://jabber.luon.net/, a Jabber/XMPP web interface * -Luonica;-, the StatusNet setup (unavailable at the moment) * "Mailman":http://lists.luon.net/, the mailing list manager * "Mailgraph":http://cube.luon.net/cgi-bin/mailgraph.cgi, mail statistics * "Planet":http://planet.luon.net/, feed aggregator of our blogs, etc. * "Radio":http://radio.luon.net/, web interface of our radio station * "Subversion":http://svn.luon.net, web access to the Subversion repositories * "Stream":http://stream.luon.net/, audio/video streaming service * "Trac":http://trac.luon.net, wiki/bug tracker/source view for Subversion repositories * "Webalizer":http://webalizer.luon.net/, web usage statistics * "Webmail":https://webmail.luon.net/, email access via web * "Wiki":http://wiki.luon.net/, web wiki * "Yubnub":http://yubnub.luon.net, our own (social) command line for the web Additionally, some links to projects hosted on our network: * "Feeding Frenzy!":http://ffrenzy.luon.net/, game developed during a study project * "Gcam":http://gcam.luon.net/, gtk webcam viewer (old/unmaintained) * "GKrellM Plugins":http://gkrellm.luon.net, plugins for GKrellM (old/unmaintained) * "Movienight":http://movienight.luon.net/, movie night vote & plan application * "Team Onbekend":http://luon.net/~onbekend/, Createch'99 team home page * "Utopia MOO":http://utopiamoo.net, virtual text-based on-line multi-user world and blogs/journals/homepages by our users: * "Admar Schoonen":http://luon.net/~admar/ * "Adriaan Penning":http://luon.net/~adriaan/ * "Bram Senders":http://kwijlspoor.nl/ * "Christian Luijten":http://christian.luijten.org/ * "Familie van Tilburg":http://vtilburg.net/ * "Marcel Moreaux":http://qvdr.net/ * "Mark van Eijk":http://luon.net/~mark/ * "Niels Schipper":http://luon.net/~niels/ * "Paul van Tilburg":http://paul.luon.net/ * "Sjoerd Simons":http://sjoerd.luon.net/ * "Tom van Tilburg":http://tom.vtilburg.net/