--- title: Services layout: default sidebar_link: true weight: 20 --- ## Luon Network Services; We provide ([Debian](http://debian.org)) GNU/Linux-based internet services to ex-students at the [Eindhoven University of Technology](http://tue.nl) and their friends & family (whoever is interested). A rough overview of what is available for a Luon user: * Dynamic DNS (ILDUS) account * E-mail account * access via IMAP and webmail * server-side (spam) filtering * mail submission * Nextcloud account * personal/shared calendars * personal/shared contacts * personal/shared files * polls * Kanban boards * *much moreā€¦* * Mailing list(s) * Matrix account * PosgreSQL database account * Shell account (via SSH) * VCS (Git) account/repositories * Web space (and/or wiki) * XMPP (Jabber) account See the [Links](links.html) page for links to the website of some of these services or the [Contact Info](contact.html) page if you want to get it touch about these services. We also do: * DNS/domain hosting * E-mail hosting * ~~Feed aggregation~~ * Hosting of Git repositories * ~~Streaming audio~~ * Web hosting * Web usage statistics