\documentclass[a4paper,12pt,oneside,dutch]{isodoc} % rubber: clean <%= @number %>.out \usepackage{array} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \setupdocument{ %% Language and style, dutch, fill, fontpackage=pxfonts, %% Company info. company=<%= @company.name %>, who=<%= @company.contact_name %>, street=<%= @company.address_street %>, zip=<%= @company.address_postal_code %>, city=<%= @company.address_city %>, country=<%= @company.country %>, countrycode=<%= @company.country_code %>, logoaddress={\hspace{-4.4em} \begin{tabular}{l@{\ }l} <% if @company.name.blank? %> \addresstext: & \who\\ <% else %> \addresstext: & \company \\ <% unless @company.contact_name.blank? %> \addresswhotext: & \who \\ <% end %><% end %> & \street\\ & \zip\ \city\\[.2em] <% unless @company.phone.blank? %> \phonetext: & \lead\phone\\ <% end %><% unless @company.cell.blank? %> \cellphonetext: & \lead\cellphone\\ <% end %><% unless @company.email.blank? %> \emailtext: & \email\\[.2em] <% end %><% unless @company.chamber.blank? %> \chambertext: & \chamber\\ <% end %><% unless @company.vatno.blank? %> \vatnotext: & \vatno <% end %> \end{tabular}}, %% Footer. <% unless @company.website.blank? %> footer,<% end %> areacode=31, phone=<%= @company.phone %>, cellphone=<%= @company.cell %>, email=<%= @company.email %>, website=<%= @company.website %>, %% Addressee info. %foreign, to={<%= @customer.name %>\\<%= @customer.address_street%>\\ <%= @customer.address_postal_code %> <%= @customer.address_city %>}, % Headlines. date=<%= @invoice.created_at.to_formatted_s(:day_code) %>, ourref=<%= @number %>, <% period = @period.map { |p| I18n.l p, :format => :month_and_year }.uniq case period.length when 1 %> subject=Factuur <%= period.first %>,<% when 2 %> subject=Factuur <%= period.join(" t/m ") %>,<% end %> yourref=, %% Payment data. term=30, accountno=<%= @company.accountno %>, accountname=<%= @company.accountname %>, <% unless @company.vatno.blank? %> vatno=<%= @company.vatno %>, <% end %><% unless @company.chamber.blank? %> chamber=<%= @company.chamber %> <% end %>} \newcommand{\addresstext}{adres} \newcommand{\addresswhotext}{t.n.v.} \renewcommand{\chambertext}{KvK-nr} \renewcommand{\datetext}{Factuurdatum} \renewcommand{\emailtext}{e-mail} \renewcommand{\invoicetext}{\Large\textbf{Factuur}} \renewcommand{\ourreftext}{Factuurnummer} \renewcommand{\referencetext}{factuurnummer} \renewcommand{\vatnotext}{btw-nr} \renewcommand{\websitetext}{website} \newenvironment{ihtable}% {\vskip1em\tabularx{\linewidth}{@{}X|@{\quad}r|@{\quad}r|@{\quad}r@{}} \descriptiontext&Aantal uur&Uurtarief&\amounttext\ML}% {\endtabularx} \newcommand{\ihitem}[4]{#1&\currency~#3&\currency~#4\\} \newcommand{\ifcitem}[2]{#1&--&--&\currency~#2\\} \newcommand{\ihsubtotal}[1]{\cmidrule[.0em]{4-4}% \textit{Subtotaal}&&&\currency~#1\\} \newcommand{\ihnosubtotal}[1]{\cmidrule[.0em]{4-4}&&&\\} \newcommand{\ihvat}[1]{\textit{Btw-heffing <%= VATRate %>\%}&&&\currency~#1\\} \newcommand{\ihtotal}[1]{\cmidrule[.05em]{4-4}% \textbf{\Totaltext}&&&\textbf{\currency~#1}} \begin{document} \invoice{ \hypersetup{pdftitle=\invoicetext\ naar\ \toname\ gedateerd \date\ (\ourref)} % FIXME: localise the dot/comma stuff in numbers. \begin{ihtable} <% subtotal = 0.0 @tasks.each do |task, line| if line[0].nil? and line[1].nil? %> \ifcitem{<%= task %>}% {<%= number_with_precision(line[2]) %>}<% else %> \ihitem{<%= task %>}% {<%= number_with_precision(line[0]) %>}{<%= number_with_precision(line[1]) %>}% {<%= number_with_precision(line[2]) %>}<% end subtotal += line[2] end if VATRate.zero? vat = 0 %> \ihnosubtotal{} <% else vat = subtotal * VATRate/100 %> \ihsubtotal{<%= number_with_precision(subtotal) %>} \ihvat{<%= number_with_precision(vat) %>}<% end %> \ihtotal{<%= number_with_precision(subtotal + vat) %>} \end{ihtable} \vspace{2em} Ik verzoek u vriendelijk het verschuldigde bedrag binnen 30 dagen na factuurdatum over te maken onder vermelding van het factuurnummer. \\ \accountdata } \end{document}