#!/usr/bin/env camping # # stoptime.rb - The Stop… Camping Time! time registration and invoice # application. # # Stop… Camping Time! is Copyright © 2011 Paul van Tilburg # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your # option) any later version. require "active_support" require "camping" require "markaby" require "mime/types" require "pathname" Markaby::Builder.set(:indent, 2) Camping.goes :StopTime unless defined? PUBLIC_DIR PUBLIC_DIR = Pathname.new(__FILE__).dirname.expand_path + "public" TEMPLATE_DIR = Pathname.new(__FILE__).dirname.expand_path + "templates" # Set the default date(/time) format. ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions::Time::Conversions::DATE_FORMATS.merge!( :default => "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", :month_and_year => "%B %Y", :month_code => "%Y%m", :day_code => "%Y%m%d") ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions::Date::Conversions::DATE_FORMATS.merge!( :default => "%Y-%m-%d", :month_and_year => "%B %Y") # FIXME: this should be configurable. HourlyRate = 20.00 end module StopTime def self.create StopTime::Models.create_schema end end module StopTime::Models class Customer < Base has_many :tasks has_many :time_entries, :through => :tasks def task_summary(month) # FIXME: ensure that month is a DateTime/Time object. time_entries = self.time_entries.all(:conditions => ["start > ? AND end < ?", month, month.at_end_of_month]) tasks = time_entries.inject({}) do |tasks, entry| time = (entry.end - entry.start)/1.hour if tasks.has_key? entry.task tasks[entry.task][0] += time tasks[entry.task][2] += time * HourlyRate else tasks[entry.task] = [time, HourlyRate, time * HourlyRate] end tasks end return tasks end end class Task < Base has_many :time_entries belongs_to :customer end class TimeEntry < Base belongs_to :task end class StopTimeTables < V 1.0 def self.up create_table Customer.table_name do |t| t.string :name, :short_name, :address_street, :address_postal_code, :address_city, :email, :phone t.timestamps end create_table Task.table_name do |t| t.integer :customer_id t.string :name t.timestamps end create_table TimeEntry.table_name do |t| t.integer :task_id t.datetime :start, :end t.timestamps end end def self.down drop_table Customer.table_name drop_table Task.table_name drop_table TimeEntry.table_name end end end # module StopTime::Models module StopTime::Controllers class Index def get redirect R(Timereg) end end class Customers def get @customers = Customer.all render :customers end def post return redirect R(Customers) if @input.cancel @customer = Customer.create( :name => @input.name, :short_name => @input.short_name, :address_street => @input.address_street, :address_postal_code => @input.address_postal_code, :address_city => @input.address_city, :email => @input.email, :phone => @input.phone) @customer.save if @customer.invalid? @errors = @customer.errors return render :customer_new end redirect R(Customers) end end class CustomersNew def get render :customer_form end end class CustomersN def get(customer_id) @customer = Customer.find(customer_id) render :customer_form end def post(customer_id) return redirect R(Customers) if @input.cancel @customer = Customer.find(customer_id) if @input.has_key? "delete" @customer.delete elsif @input.has_key? "save" attrs = ["name", "short_name", "address_street", "address_postal_code", "address_city", "email", "phone"] attrs.each do |attr| @customer[attr] = @input[attr] unless @input[attr].blank? end @customer.save if @customer.invalid? @errors = @customer.errors return render :customer_form end end redirect R(Customers) end end class CustomersNTasks def post(customer_id) if @input.has_key? "add" @task = Task.create( :customer_id => customer_id, :name => @input.new_task) @task.save if @task.invalid? @errors = @task.errors end elsif @input.has_key? "delete" @input.tasks.each { |task_id| Task.find(task_id).delete } end redirect R(CustomersN, customer_id) end end class CustomersNInvoicesX def get(customer_id, invoice_id) @month = DateTime.new(invoice_id[0..3].to_i, invoice_id[4..5].to_i, 1) @number = invoice_id[6..-1] # FIXME: make this (much) nicer! invoice_id.gsub!(/\.pdf$/, '') if m = @number.match(/(\d+)\.(\w+)$/) @number = m[1].to_i @format = m[2] else @number = @number.to_i @format = "html" end @customer = Customer.find(customer_id) @tasks = @customer.task_summary(@month) if @format == "html" render :invoice elsif @format == "pdf" pdf_file = PUBLIC_DIR + "#{invoice_id}.pdf" unless pdf_file.exist? _generate_invoice_pdf(@customer, @tasks, @month, invoice_id) end redirect(StaticX, pdf_file.basename) end end def _generate_invoice_pdf(customer, tasks, month, invoice_id) template = TEMPLATE_DIR + "invoice.tex.erb" tex_file = PUBLIC_DIR + "#{invoice_id}.tex" erb = ERB.new(File.read(template)) File.open(tex_file, "w") { |f| f.write(erb.result(binding)) } system("rubber --pdf --inplace #{tex_file}") system("rubber --clean --inplace #{tex_file}") end end class Timereg def get @time_entries = TimeEntry.all(:order => "start DESC") @customer_list = Customer.all.map { |c| [c.id, c.short_name] } @task_list = Task.all.map { |t| [t.id, t.name] } render :time_entries end def post if @input.has_key? "enter" @entry = TimeEntry.create( :task_id => @input.task, :start => @input.start, :end => @input.end) @entry.save if @entry.invalid? @errors = @entry.errors end elsif @input.has_key? "delete" end @time_entries = TimeEntry.all(:order => "start DESC") @customer_list = Customer.all.map { |c| [c.id, c.short_name] } @task_list = Task.all.map { |t| [t.id, t.name] } render :time_entries end end class TimeregN def post(entry_id) TimeEntry.find(entry_id).delete redirect R(Timereg) end end class Invoices def get @time_entries = TimeEntry.all(:order => "start ASC") @customers = Hash.new { |h, k| h[k] = Array.new } @time_entries.each do |e| month = e.start.at_beginning_of_month customer = e.task.customer unless @customers[month].include? customer @customers[month] << customer end end render :invoices end end class StaticX def get(path) mime_type = MIME::Types.type_for(path).first @headers['Content-Type'] = mime_type.nil? ? "text/plain" : mime_type.to_s unless path.include? ".." @headers['X-Sendfile'] = (PUBLIC_DIR + path).to_s else @status = "403" "Error 403: Invalid path: #{path}" end end end end # module StopTime::Controllers module StopTime::Views def layout xhtml_strict do head do title "Stop… Camping Time!" end body do div.wrapper! do h1 "Stop… Camping Time!" _menu div.content! do self << yield end end end end end def _menu ol.menu! do li { a "Time Registration", :href => R(Timereg) } li { a "Customers", :href => R(Customers) } li { a "Invoices", :href => R(Invoices) } end end def time_entries h2 "List of time entries" table do tr do th "Customer" th "Project/task" th "Start time" th "End time" th "Total" end form :action => R(Timereg), :method => :post do tr do td { _form_select("customer", @customer_list) } td { _form_select("task", @task_list) } td { input :type => :text, :name => "start", :value => DateTime.now.to_date.to_formatted_s + " " } td { input :type => :text, :name => "end", :value => DateTime.now.to_date.to_formatted_s + " " } td { "N/A" } td do input :type => :submit, :name => "enter", :value => "Enter" input :type => :reset, :name => "clear", :value => "Clear" end end end @time_entries.each do |entry| tr do td { entry.task.customer.short_name } td { entry.task.name } td { entry.start } td { entry.end } td { "%.2fh" % ((entry.end - entry.start)/3600.0) } td do form :action => R(TimeregN, entry.id), :method => :post do input :type => :submit, :name => "delete", :value => "Delete" end end end end end end def customers h2 "List of customers" table do tr do th "Name" th "Short name" th "Address" th "Email" th "Phone" end @customers.each do |customer| tr do td { customer.name } td { customer.short_name } td { [customer.address_street, customer.address_postal_code, customer.address_city].join(", ") unless customer.address_street.blank? } td { customer.email } td { customer.phone } td do form :action => R(CustomersN, customer.id), :method => :get do input :type => :submit, :value => "Edit" end form :action => R(CustomersN, customer.id), :method => :post do input :type => :submit, :name => "delete", :value => "Delete" end end end end end p do a "Add a new customer", :href=> R(CustomersNew) end end def customer_form if @customer @edit_task = true target = [CustomersN, @customer.id] else @customer = {} target = [Customers] end form :action => R(*target), :method => :post do ol do li { _form_input(@customer, "Name", "name", :text) } li { _form_input(@customer, "Short name", "short_name", :text) } li { _form_input(@customer, "Street address", "address_street", :text) } li { _form_input(@customer, "Postal code", "address_postal_code", :text) } li { _form_input(@customer, "City/town", "address_city", :text) } li { _form_input(@customer, "Email address", "email", :text) } li { _form_input(@customer, "Phone number", "phone", :text) } end input :type => "submit", :name => "save", :value => "Save" input :type => "submit", :name => "cancel", :value => "Cancel" end if @edit_task form :action => R(CustomersNTasks, @customer.id), :method => :post do h2 "Projects & Tasks" select :name => "tasks[]", :multiple => "multiple", :size => 6 do @customer.tasks.each do |task| option(:value => task.id) { task.name } end end input :type => :text, :name => "new_task" input :type => :submit, :name => "add", :value => "Add" input :type => :submit, :name => "delete", :value => "Delete" end end end def invoices h2 "List of invoices" cmonth = Time.now ccnt = 1 @customers.each do |month, custs| unless month == cmonth h3 { month.to_formatted_s(:month_and_year) } cmonth = month ccnt = 1 end ol do custs.each do |cust| li do span { cust.name } a "view", :href => R(CustomersNInvoicesX, cust.id, month.to_formatted_s(:month_code) + "%02d" % ccnt) end ccnt = ccnt + 1 end end end end def invoice h2 { "Invoice for #{@customer.name}, month #{@month.to_formatted_s(:month_and_year)}" } table do tr do th { "Description" } th { "Number of hours" } th { "Hourly rate" } th { "Amount" } end total = 0.0 @tasks.each do |task, line| tr do td { task.name } td { "%.2fh" % line[0] } td { "€ %.2f" % line[1] } td { "€ %.2f" % line[2] } end total += line[2] end tr do td { b "Total amount" } td "" td "" td { "€ %.2f" % total } end end end def _form_input(obj, label_name, input_name, type, options={}) label label_name, :for => input_name input :type => type, :name => input_name, :id => input_name, :value => @input[input_name] || obj[input_name] end def _form_select(name, options) select :name => name, :id => name do options.each do |opt_val, opt_str| if opt_val == @input[name] option(:value => opt_val, :selected => "true") { opt_str } else option(:value => opt_val) { opt_str } end end end end end # module StopTime::Views