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//! Module that handles the updating/retrieval of the status via the My Autarco site/API.
use std::time::{Duration, SystemTime};
use reqwest::{Client, ClientBuilder, Error, StatusCode};
use rocket::tokio::time::sleep;
use serde::Deserialize;
use url::{ParseError, Url};
use super::{load_config, Config, Status, BASE_URL, POLL_INTERVAL, STATUS};
/// Returns the login URL for the My Autarco site.
fn login_url() -> Result<Url, ParseError> {
Url::parse(&format!("{}/auth/login", BASE_URL))
/// Returns an API endpoint URL for the given site ID and endpoint of the My Autarco site.
fn api_url(site_id: &str, endpoint: &str) -> Result<Url, ParseError> {
BASE_URL, site_id, endpoint
/// The energy data returned by the energy API endpoint
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
struct ApiEnergy {
/// Total energy produced today (kWh)
pv_today: u32,
/// Total energy produced this month (kWh)
pv_month: u32,
/// Total energy produced since installation (kWh)
pv_to_date: u32,
/// The power data returned by the power API endpoint
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
struct ApiPower {
/// Current power production (W)
pv_now: u32,
/// Performs a login on the My Autarco site
/// It mainly stores the acquired cookie in the client's cookie jar. The login credentials come
/// from the loaded configuration (see [`Config`]).
async fn login(config: &Config, client: &Client) -> Result<(), Error> {
let params = [
("username", &config.username),
("password", &config.password),
let login_url = login_url().expect("valid login URL");;
/// Retrieves a status update from the API of the My Autarco site.
/// It needs the cookie from the login to be able to perform the action. It uses both the `energy`
/// and `power` endpoint to construct the [`Status`] struct.
async fn update(config: &Config, client: &Client, last_updated: u64) -> Result<Status, Error> {
// Retrieve the data from the API endpoints.
let api_energy_url = api_url(&config.site_id, "energy").expect("valid API energy URL");
let api_response = client.get(api_energy_url).send().await?;
let api_energy: ApiEnergy = match api_response.error_for_status() {
Ok(res) => res.json().await?,
Err(err) => return Err(err.into()),
let api_power_url = api_url(&config.site_id, "power").expect("valid API power URL");
let api_response = client.get(api_power_url).send().await?;
let api_power: ApiPower = match api_response.error_for_status() {
Ok(res) => res.json().await?,
Err(err) => return Err(err.into()),
// Update the status.
Ok(Status {
current_w: api_power.pv_now,
total_kwh: api_energy.pv_to_date,
/// Main update loop that logs in and periodically acquires updates from the API.
/// It updates the mutex-guarded current update [`Status`] struct which can be retrieved via
/// Rocket.
pub(super) async fn update_loop() -> color_eyre::Result<()> {
let config = load_config().await?;
let client = ClientBuilder::new().cookie_store(true).build()?;
// Go to the My Autarco site and login
println!("⚡ Logging in...");
login(&config, &client).await?;
println!("⚡ Logged in successfully!");
let mut last_updated = 0;
loop {
// Wake up every 10 seconds and check if there is something to do (quit or update).
let timestamp = SystemTime::now()
if timestamp - last_updated < POLL_INTERVAL {
let status = match update(&config, &client, timestamp).await {
Ok(status) => status,
Err(e) if e.status() == Some(StatusCode::UNAUTHORIZED) => {
println!("✨ Update unauthorized, trying to log in again...");
login(&config, &client).await?;
println!("⚡ Logged in successfully!");
Err(e) => {
println!("✨ Failed to update status: {}", e);
last_updated = timestamp;
println!("⚡ Updated status to: {:#?}", status);
let mut status_guard = STATUS.lock().expect("Status mutex was poisoned");