# geo-uri-rs A Rust crate for uniform resource identifiers for geographic locations (geo URIs) according to IEEE [RFC 5870](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5870). This crate supports parsing and generating geo URIs in the correct format. Its parser is currently somewhat more liberal than the proposed standard. It supports geolocations specified by latitude and longitude, but also optionally altitude and an uncertainty radius. The currently only supported coordinate reference system is [WGS-84](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Geodetic_System#WGS84). ## Usage Just run the following to add this library to your project: ```sh $ cargo add geo-uri Updating crates.io index Adding geo-uri vX.Y.Z to dependencies. ``` ### Parsing Use either the [`TryFrom`](std::convert::TryFrom) trait or the [`parse`](str::parse) method on strings to parse a geo URI string into a [`GeoUri`] struct: ```rust use geo_uri::GeoUri; let geo_uri = GeoUri::try_from("geo:52.107,5.134,3.6;u=1000").expect("valid geo URI"); assert_eq!(geo_uri.latitude(), 52.107); assert_eq!(geo_uri.longitude(), 5.134); assert_eq!(geo_uri.altitude(), Some(3.6)); assert_eq!(geo_uri.uncertainty(), Some(1000.0)); let geo_uri: GeoUri = "geo:52.107,5.134;u=2000.0".parse().expect("valid geo URI"); assert_eq!(geo_uri.latitude(), 52.107); assert_eq!(geo_uri.longitude(), 5.134); assert_eq!(geo_uri.altitude(), None); assert_eq!(geo_uri.uncertainty(), Some(2000.0)); ``` It is also possible to call the parse function directly: ```rust use geo_uri::GeoUri; let geo_uri = GeoUri::parse("geo:52.107,5.134,3.6").expect("valid geo URI"); assert_eq!(geo_uri.latitude(), 52.107); assert_eq!(geo_uri.longitude(), 5.134); assert_eq!(geo_uri.altitude(), Some(3.6)); assert_eq!(geo_uri.uncertainty(), None); ``` ### Generating Use the [`GeoUriBuilder`] to construct a [`GeoUri`] struct. Then, use either the [`ToString`](std::string::ToString) or [`Display`](std::fmt::Display) trait to generate a geo URI string: ```rust use geo_uri::GeoUri; let geo_uri = GeoUri::builder() .latitude(52.107) .longitude(5.134) .uncertainty(1_000.0) .build() .unwrap(); assert_eq!( geo_uri.to_string(), String::from("geo:52.107,5.134;u=1000") ); assert_eq!( format!("{geo_uri}"), String::from("geo:52.107,5.134;u=1000") ); ``` ## License geo-uri-rs is licensed under the MIT license (see the `LICENSE` file or ).