var fs = require("fs"), path = require("path"), db_file = "./draggables.json"; // Saves the draggables info object to the database file (synchronously). function save(obj) { console.log("Saved the database to " + db_file); console.dir(obj); fs.writeFileSync(db_file, JSON.stringify(obj)); } // Loads the draggables info object from the database file. function load() { if (path.existsSync(db_file)) { var json_string = fs.readFileSync(db_file); } else { // If the database file does not exist, return a new, empty object. return {}; } try { var obj = JSON.parse(json_string); console.log("Loaded the database from " + db_file); console.dir(obj); return obj; } catch (exception) { console.error("There was an error parsing the database file: ", exception); process.exit(1); } } = save exports.load = load