// plemp.rb - The Plemp! application, create your own on-line pile of junk! // // Plemp! is Copyright © 2012 Paul van Tilburg // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under // the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software // Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later // version. var express = require("express"), form = require("connect-form"), fs = require('fs'), util = require("util") // Set up the Node Express application. var app = express.createServer(form({ keepExtensions: true, uploadDir: __dirname + '/public/upload' })); var draggables = {}; // Initialise the draggables info. fs.readdir(__dirname + '/public/upload', function (err, files) { if (err) throw(err) for (var i in files) { if (files[i][0] == ".") continue; draggables[files[i]] = {left: 350, top: 200}; } }); // Application settings and middleware configuration. app.configure(function() { app.use(express.logger()); app.use(express.static(__dirname + '/public')); app.use(express.bodyParser()); app.use(express.methodOverride()); app.use(app.router); app.use(express.errorHandler({ dumpExceptions: true, showStack: true })); }); // Server the main index file statically for now. app.get('/', function(req, res) { res.redirect('/index.html'); }); // The draggable route: provides direct access to the HTML generating code // for draggable objects. app.get('/draggable/:id', function(req, res) { var file = "public/upload/" + req.params.id; // Stuff taken from the Camping implementation. drag = draggables[req.params.id]; var default_style = "left:" + drag.left + "px;top:" + drag.top + "px;"; console.log("Draggable: " + file); res.send(''); }); // The current route: accessed through AJAX requests by the main page // for getting the current (global) state (positions) of the draggables. app.get('/current', function(req, res) { // Retrieve the current status of the draggables and return in JSON format. res.send(draggables); }); // The position save route: access through AJAX request by the main page // for committing position changes of the draggables to the database, i.e. the // global state. app.post('/savepos/:id', function(req, res) { // Set the position for the file with the given ID. console.log("Got position for " + req.params.id + ";" + " left: " + req.body.left + " top: " + req.body.top); var new_pos = draggables[req.params.id]; new_pos.top = req.body.top; new_pos.left = req.body.left; }); // The upload route: handles uploads from the main site. This can either // be a file or some pasted text. After upload the controler redirects to // the main page which includes the just uploaded file. app.post('/upload', function(req, res, next) { req.form.complete(function(err, fields, files) { if (err) { next(err); } else { draggables[files.file.filename] = [350,200]; console.log('File %s uploaded to %s', files.file.filename, files.file.path); } }); res.redirect('home'); }); // Start the application. app.listen(3300); console.log('Plemp! started on', app.address().port)