#![doc = include_str!("../README.md")] #![warn( clippy::all, missing_copy_implementations, missing_debug_implementations, rust_2018_idioms, rustdoc::broken_intra_doc_links, trivial_numeric_casts )] #![deny(missing_docs)] use std::path::PathBuf; use chrono::{DateTime, NaiveDateTime, Utc}; use rocket::fairing::AdHoc; use rocket::http::uri::Absolute; use rocket::http::Status; use rocket::response::Redirect; use rocket::serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use rocket::{get, routes, uri, Build, Request, Responder, Rocket, State}; use rocket_dyn_templates::{context, Template}; use rss::extension::itunes::{ ITunesCategoryBuilder, ITunesChannelExtensionBuilder, ITunesItemExtensionBuilder, }; use rss::{ CategoryBuilder, ChannelBuilder, EnclosureBuilder, GuidBuilder, ImageBuilder, ItemBuilder, }; pub(crate) mod mixcloud; /// The possible errors that can occur. #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)] pub(crate) enum Error { /// A standard I/O error occurred. #[error("IO error: {0}")] Io(#[from] std::io::Error), /// No redirect URL found in item metadata. #[error("No redirect URL found")] NoRedirectUrlFound, /// A (reqwest) HTTP error occurred. #[error("HTTP error: {0}")] Request(#[from] reqwest::Error), /// Unsupported back-end encountered. #[error("Unsupported back-end: {0}")] UnsupportedBackend(String), /// A URL parse error occurred. #[error("URL parse error: {0}")] UrlParse(#[from] url::ParseError), /// An error occurred in youtube-dl. #[error("Youtube-dl failed: {0}")] YoutubeDl(#[from] youtube_dl::Error), } impl<'r, 'o: 'r> rocket::response::Responder<'r, 'o> for Error { fn respond_to(self, _request: &'r Request<'_>) -> rocket::response::Result<'o> { eprintln!("💥 Encountered error: {}", self); match self { Error::NoRedirectUrlFound => Err(Status::NotFound), _ => Err(Status::InternalServerError), } } } /// Result type that defaults to [`Error`] as the default error type. pub(crate) type Result = std::result::Result; /// The extra application specific configuration. #[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)] #[serde(crate = "rocket::serde")] pub(crate) struct Config { /// The URL at which the application is hosted or proxied from. #[serde(default)] url: String, } /// A Rocket responder wrapper type for RSS feeds. #[derive(Responder)] #[response(content_type = "application/xml")] struct RssFeed(String); /// Retrieves a download by redirecting to the URL resolved by the selected back-end. #[get("/download//")] pub(crate) async fn download(file: PathBuf, backend: &str) -> Result { match backend { "mixcloud" => { let key = format!("/{}/", file.with_extension("").to_string_lossy()); mixcloud::redirect_url(&key).await.map(Redirect::to) } _ => Err(Error::UnsupportedBackend(backend.to_string())), } } /// Handler for retrieving the RSS feed of user on a certain back-end. /// /// The limit parameter determines the maximum of items that can be in the feed. #[get("/feed//?")] async fn feed( backend: &str, username: &str, limit: Option, config: &State, ) -> Result { let user = mixcloud::user(username).await?; let cloudcasts = mixcloud::cloudcasts(username, limit).await?; let mut last_build = DateTime::::from_utc(NaiveDateTime::from_timestamp(0, 0), Utc); let category = CategoryBuilder::default() .name(String::from("Music")) // FIXME: Don't hardcode the category! .build(); let generator = String::from(concat!( env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME"), " ", env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION") )); let image = ImageBuilder::default() .link(user.pictures.large.clone()) .url(user.pictures.large.clone()) .build(); let items = cloudcasts .into_iter() .map(|cloudcast| { let mut file = PathBuf::from(cloudcast.key.trim_end_matches('/')); file.set_extension("m4a"); // FIXME: Don't hardcode the extension! let url = uri!( Absolute::parse(&config.url).expect("valid URL"), download(backend = backend, file = file) ); // FIXME: Don't hardcode the description! let description = format!("Taken from Mixcloud: {}", cloudcast.url); let keywords = cloudcast .tags .iter() .map(|tag| &tag.name) .cloned() .collect::>() .join(", "); let categories = cloudcast .tags .into_iter() .map(|tag| { CategoryBuilder::default() .name(tag.name) .domain(Some(tag.url)) .build() }) .collect::>(); let length = mixcloud::estimated_file_size(cloudcast.audio_length); let enclosure = EnclosureBuilder::default() .url(url.to_string()) .length(format!("{}", length)) .mime_type(String::from(mixcloud::default_file_type())) .build(); let guid = GuidBuilder::default() .value(cloudcast.slug) .permalink(false) .build(); let itunes_ext = ITunesItemExtensionBuilder::default() .image(Some(cloudcast.pictures.large)) .duration(Some(format!("{}", cloudcast.audio_length))) .subtitle(Some(description.clone())) .keywords(Some(keywords)) .build(); if cloudcast.updated_time > last_build { last_build = cloudcast.updated_time; } ItemBuilder::default() .title(Some(cloudcast.name)) .link(Some(cloudcast.url)) .description(Some(description)) .categories(categories) .enclosure(Some(enclosure)) .guid(Some(guid)) .pub_date(Some(cloudcast.updated_time.to_rfc2822())) .itunes_ext(Some(itunes_ext)) .build() }) .collect::>(); let itunes_ext = ITunesChannelExtensionBuilder::default() .author(Some(user.name.clone())) .categories(Vec::from([ITunesCategoryBuilder::default() .text("Music") .build()])) // FIXME: Don't hardcode the category! .image(Some(user.pictures.large)) .explicit(Some(String::from("no"))) .summary(Some(user.biog.clone())) .build(); let channel = ChannelBuilder::default() .title(&format!("{} (via Mixcloud)", user.name)) .link(&user.url) .description(&user.biog) .category(category) .last_build_date(Some(last_build.to_rfc2822())) .generator(Some(generator)) .image(Some(image)) .items(items) .itunes_ext(Some(itunes_ext)) .build(); let feed = RssFeed(channel.to_string()); Ok(feed) } /// Returns a simple index page that explains the usage. #[get("/")] pub(crate) async fn index(config: &State) -> Template { Template::render("index", context! { url: &config.url }) } /// Sets up Rocket. pub fn setup() -> Rocket { rocket::build() .mount("/", routes![download, feed, index]) .attach(AdHoc::config::()) .attach(Template::fairing()) }