
146 lines
4.3 KiB

use std::fs::File;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::time::SystemTime;
use comrak;
use glob::glob;
use inflector::Inflector;
use rocket::serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[serde(crate = "rocket::serde")]
/// Structure for representing a wish note
pub struct Note {
/// The ID of the note (unique string)
pub id: String,
/// The index of the note (unique number)
pub index: usize,
/// The raw note data
pub data: String,
/// The time the note was last modified
pub mtime: SystemTime,
/// The name of the note, i.e. the person it is for
pub name: String,
/// The path to the note file
path: PathBuf,
impl Note {
pub fn to_html(&self) -> String {
let mut options = comrak::ComrakOptions::default();
options.extension.strikethrough = true;
options.extension.tagfilter = true;
options.extension.autolink = true;
options.extension.tasklist = true;
comrak::markdown_to_html(&, &options)
pub fn update_data(&mut self, data: &String) {
let mut file = File::create(&self.path).expect(&format!(
"Cannot open note file: {}",
"Cannot write note file: {}",
)); = data.clone();
let metadata = file.metadata().unwrap();
self.mtime = metadata.modified().unwrap();
pub fn load_all(note_path: Option<&str>) -> Vec<Self> {
let mut notes: Vec<Note> = vec![];
let mut index = 0;
let path_glob = match note_path {
Some(dir) => format!("{}/notes/*.note", dir),
None => format!("notes/*.note"),
for entry in glob(path_glob.as_str()).unwrap().filter_map(Result::ok) {
let file_name = entry.file_name().unwrap().to_str().unwrap();
let name = match file_name.find('.') {
Some(index) => &file_name[0..index],
None => "unknown",
let mut data = String::new();
let mut file =
File::open(&entry).expect(&format!("Cannot open note file: {}", file_name));
file.read_to_string(&mut data)
.expect(&format!("Cannot read note file: {}", file_name));
let metadata = file
.expect(&format!("Cannot get metadata of note file: {}", file_name));
let note = Note {
id: String::from(name),
index: index,
data: data,
mtime: metadata.modified().unwrap(),
name: String::from(name).to_title_case(),
path: entry.clone(),
index += 1;
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn loads_all_notes() {
let notes = Note::load_all(Some("test"));
let note_ids: Vec<&str> = notes.iter().map(|note|;
assert_eq!(note_ids, vec!["test", "updatable"]);
fn converts_to_html() {
let notes = Note::load_all(Some("test"));
let note = notes.iter().find(|note| == "test").unwrap();
r#"<p>This is a test note</p>
fn updates_data() {
let mut notes = Note::load_all(Some("test"));
let note = notes
.find(|note| == "updatable")
assert_eq!(, "Some content");
// Update the data van verify it has changed
let new_data = "New content";
assert_eq!(, new_data);
// Verify that the data is written to the file of the note by
// loading them again
let mut notes = Note::load_all(Some("test"));
let note = notes
.find(|note| == "updatable")
assert_eq!(, new_data);
// ... and change it back again
note.update_data(&String::from("Some content"));