#![doc = include_str!("../README.md")] #![warn( clippy::all, missing_debug_implementations, rust_2018_idioms, rustdoc::broken_intra_doc_links )] #![deny(missing_docs)] use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex}; use color_eyre::Result; use rocket::http::ContentType; use rocket::response::content::Custom; use rocket::serde::json::Json; use rocket::tokio::{self, select}; use rocket::{get, routes, State}; pub(crate) use self::forecast::Metric; use self::forecast::{forecast, Forecast}; pub(crate) use self::maps::{mark_map, Maps, MapsHandle}; use self::position::{resolve_address, Position}; pub(crate) mod forecast; pub(crate) mod maps; pub(crate) mod position; pub(crate) mod providers; /// Handler for retrieving the forecast for an address. #[get("/forecast?
&")] async fn forecast_address( address: String, metrics: Vec, maps_handle: &State, ) -> Option> { let position = resolve_address(address).await?; let forecast = forecast(position, metrics, maps_handle).await; Some(Json(forecast)) } /// Handler for retrieving the forecast for a geocoded position. #[get("/forecast?&&", rank = 2)] async fn forecast_geo( lat: f64, lon: f64, metrics: Vec, maps_handle: &State, ) -> Json { let position = Position::new(lat, lon); let forecast = forecast(position, metrics, maps_handle).await; Json(forecast) } /// Handler for showing the current map with the geocoded position of an address for a specific /// metric. /// /// Note: This handler is mosly used for debugging purposes! #[get("/map?
&")] async fn map_address( address: String, metric: Metric, maps_handle: &State, ) -> Option>> { let position = resolve_address(address).await?; let image_data = mark_map(position, metric, maps_handle).await; image_data.map(|id| Custom(ContentType::PNG, id)) } /// Handler for showing the current map with the geocoded position for a specific metric. /// /// Note: This handler is mosly used for debugging purposes! #[get("/map?&&", rank = 2)] async fn map_geo( lat: f64, lon: f64, metric: Metric, maps_handle: &State, ) -> Option>> { let position = Position::new(lat, lon); let image_data = mark_map(position, metric, maps_handle).await; image_data.map(|id| Custom(ContentType::PNG, id)) } /// Starts the main maps refresh loop and sets up and launches Rocket. /// /// See [`maps::run`] for the maps refresh loop. #[rocket::main] async fn main() -> Result<()> { color_eyre::install()?; let maps = Maps::new(); let maps_handle = Arc::new(Mutex::new(maps)); let maps_updater = tokio::spawn(maps::run(Arc::clone(&maps_handle))); let rocket = rocket::build() .manage(maps_handle) .mount( "/", routes![forecast_address, forecast_geo, map_address, map_geo], ) .ignite() .await?; let shutdown = rocket.shutdown(); select! { result = rocket.launch() => { result? } result = maps_updater => { shutdown.notify(); result? } } Ok(()) }