#![doc = include_str!("../README.md")] #![warn( clippy::all, missing_debug_implementations, rust_2018_idioms, rustdoc::broken_intra_doc_links )] #![deny(missing_docs)] use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex}; use rocket::fairing::AdHoc; use rocket::http::Status; use rocket::response::Responder; use rocket::serde::json::Json; use rocket::{get, routes, Build, Request, Rocket, State}; use self::forecast::{forecast, Forecast, Metric}; use self::maps::{mark_map, Error as MapsError, Maps, MapsHandle}; use self::position::{resolve_address, Position}; pub(crate) mod forecast; pub(crate) mod maps; pub(crate) mod position; pub(crate) mod providers; /// The possible provider errors that can occur. #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)] pub(crate) enum Error { /// A CSV parse error occurred. #[error("CSV parse error: {0}")] CsvParse(#[from] csv::Error), /// A geocoding error occurred. #[error("Geocoding error: {0}")] Geocoding(#[from] geocoding::GeocodingError), /// An HTTP request error occurred. #[error("HTTP request error: {0}")] HttpRequest(#[from] reqwest::Error), /// Failed to join a task. #[error("Failed to join a task: {0}")] Join(#[from] rocket::tokio::task::JoinError), /// Failed to merge AQI & pollen items. #[error("Failed to merge AQI & pollen items: {0}")] Merge(#[from] self::providers::combined::MergeError), /// Failed to retrieve or sample the maps. #[error("Failed to retrieve or sample the maps: {0}")] Maps(#[from] self::maps::Error), /// No geocoded position could be found. #[error("No geocoded position could be found")] NoPositionFound, /// Encountered an unsupported metric. #[error("Encountered an unsupported metric: {0}")] UnsupportedMetric(Metric), } impl<'r, 'o: 'r> rocket::response::Responder<'r, 'o> for Error { fn respond_to(self, _request: &'r Request<'_>) -> rocket::response::Result<'o> { eprintln!("💥 Encountered error during request: {}", self); let status = match self { Error::NoPositionFound => Status::NotFound, Error::Maps(MapsError::NoMapsYet) => Status::ServiceUnavailable, Error::Maps(MapsError::OutOfBoundCoords(_, _)) => Status::NotFound, Error::Maps(MapsError::OutOfBoundOffset(_)) => Status::NotFound, _ => Status::InternalServerError, }; Err(status) } } /// Result type that defaults to [`Error`] as the default error type. pub(crate) type Result = std::result::Result; #[derive(Responder)] #[response(content_type = "image/png")] struct PngImageData(Vec); /// Handler for retrieving the forecast for an address. #[get("/forecast?
&")] async fn forecast_address( address: String, metrics: Vec, maps_handle: &State, ) -> Result> { let position = resolve_address(address).await?; let forecast = forecast(position, metrics, maps_handle).await; Ok(Json(forecast)) } /// Handler for retrieving the forecast for a geocoded position. #[get("/forecast?&&", rank = 2)] async fn forecast_geo( lat: f64, lon: f64, metrics: Vec, maps_handle: &State, ) -> Json { let position = Position::new(lat, lon); let forecast = forecast(position, metrics, maps_handle).await; Json(forecast) } /// Handler for showing the current map with the geocoded position of an address for a specific /// metric. /// /// Note: This handler is mosly used for debugging purposes! #[get("/map?
&")] async fn map_address( address: String, metric: Metric, maps_handle: &State, ) -> Result { let position = resolve_address(address).await?; let image_data = mark_map(position, metric, maps_handle).await; image_data.map(PngImageData) } /// Handler for showing the current map with the geocoded position for a specific metric. /// /// Note: This handler is mosly used for debugging purposes! #[get("/map?&&", rank = 2)] async fn map_geo( lat: f64, lon: f64, metric: Metric, maps_handle: &State, ) -> Result { let position = Position::new(lat, lon); let image_data = mark_map(position, metric, maps_handle).await; image_data.map(PngImageData) } /// Sets up Rocket. fn rocket(maps_handle: MapsHandle) -> Rocket { let maps_refresher = maps::run(Arc::clone(&maps_handle)); rocket::build() .mount( "/", routes![forecast_address, forecast_geo, map_address, map_geo], ) .manage(maps_handle) .attach(AdHoc::on_liftoff("Maps refresher", |_| { Box::pin(async move { // We don't care about the join handle nor error results? let _ = rocket::tokio::spawn(maps_refresher); }) })) } /// Sets up Rocket and the maps cache refresher task. pub fn setup() -> Rocket { let maps = Maps::new(); let maps_handle = Arc::new(Mutex::new(maps)); rocket(maps_handle) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use assert_float_eq::*; use assert_matches::assert_matches; use image::{DynamicImage, Rgba, RgbaImage}; use rocket::http::{ContentType, Status}; use rocket::local::blocking::Client; use rocket::serde::json::Value as JsonValue; use super::maps::RetrievedMaps; use super::*; fn maps_stub(map_count: u32) -> RetrievedMaps { let map_color = Rgba::from([73, 218, 33, 255]); // First color from map key. let image = DynamicImage::ImageRgba8(RgbaImage::from_pixel(820 * map_count, 988, map_color)); RetrievedMaps::new(image) } fn maps_handle_stub() -> MapsHandle { let mut maps = Maps::new(); maps.pollen = Some(maps_stub(24)); maps.uvi = Some(maps_stub(5)); Arc::new(Mutex::new(maps)) } #[test] fn forecast_address() { let maps_handle = maps_handle_stub(); let client = Client::tracked(rocket(maps_handle)).expect("Not a valid Rocket instance"); // Get an empty forecast for the provided address. let response = client.get("/forecast?address=eindhoven").dispatch(); assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::Ok); let json = response.into_json::().expect("Not valid JSON"); assert_f64_near!(json["lat"].as_f64().unwrap(), 51.4392648); assert_f64_near!(json["lon"].as_f64().unwrap(), 5.478633); assert_matches!(json["time"], JsonValue::Number(_)); assert_matches!(json.get("AQI"), None); assert_matches!(json.get("NO2"), None); assert_matches!(json.get("O3"), None); assert_matches!(json.get("PAQI"), None); assert_matches!(json.get("PM10"), None); assert_matches!(json.get("pollen"), None); assert_matches!(json.get("precipitation"), None); assert_matches!(json.get("UVI"), None); // Get a forecast with all metrics for the provided address. let response = client .get("/forecast?address=eindhoven&metrics=all") .dispatch(); assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::Ok); let json = response.into_json::().expect("Not valid JSON"); assert_f64_near!(json["lat"].as_f64().unwrap(), 51.4392648); assert_f64_near!(json["lon"].as_f64().unwrap(), 5.478633); assert_matches!(json["time"], JsonValue::Number(_)); assert_matches!(json.get("AQI"), Some(JsonValue::Array(_))); assert_matches!(json.get("NO2"), Some(JsonValue::Array(_))); assert_matches!(json.get("O3"), Some(JsonValue::Array(_))); assert_matches!(json.get("PAQI"), Some(JsonValue::Array(_))); assert_matches!(json.get("PM10"), Some(JsonValue::Array(_))); assert_matches!(json.get("pollen"), Some(JsonValue::Array(_))); assert_matches!(json.get("precipitation"), Some(JsonValue::Array(_))); assert_matches!(json.get("UVI"), Some(JsonValue::Array(_))); } #[test] fn forecast_geo() { let maps_handle = maps_handle_stub(); let client = Client::tracked(rocket(maps_handle)).expect("valid Rocket instance"); // Get an empty forecast for the geocoded location. let response = client.get("/forecast?lat=51.4&lon=5.5").dispatch(); assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::Ok); let json = response.into_json::().expect("Not valid JSON"); assert_f64_near!(json["lat"].as_f64().unwrap(), 51.4); assert_f64_near!(json["lon"].as_f64().unwrap(), 5.5); assert_matches!(json["time"], JsonValue::Number(_)); assert_matches!(json.get("AQI"), None); assert_matches!(json.get("NO2"), None); assert_matches!(json.get("O3"), None); assert_matches!(json.get("PAQI"), None); assert_matches!(json.get("PM10"), None); assert_matches!(json.get("pollen"), None); assert_matches!(json.get("precipitation"), None); assert_matches!(json.get("UVI"), None); // Get a forecast with all metrics for the geocoded location. let response = client .get("/forecast?lat=51.4&lon=5.5&metrics=all") .dispatch(); assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::Ok); let json = response.into_json::().expect("Not valid JSON"); assert_f64_near!(json["lat"].as_f64().unwrap(), 51.4); assert_f64_near!(json["lon"].as_f64().unwrap(), 5.5); assert_matches!(json["time"], JsonValue::Number(_)); assert_matches!(json.get("AQI"), Some(JsonValue::Array(_))); assert_matches!(json.get("NO2"), Some(JsonValue::Array(_))); assert_matches!(json.get("O3"), Some(JsonValue::Array(_))); assert_matches!(json.get("PAQI"), Some(JsonValue::Array(_))); assert_matches!(json.get("PM10"), Some(JsonValue::Array(_))); assert_matches!(json.get("pollen"), Some(JsonValue::Array(_))); assert_matches!(json.get("precipitation"), Some(JsonValue::Array(_))); assert_matches!(json.get("UVI"), Some(JsonValue::Array(_))); } #[test] fn map_address() { let maps_handle = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Maps::new())); let maps_handle_clone = Arc::clone(&maps_handle); let client = Client::tracked(rocket(maps_handle)).expect("Not a valid Rocket instance"); // No maps available yet. let response = client .get("/map?address=eindhoven&metric=pollen") .dispatch(); assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::ServiceUnavailable); // Load some dummy map. let mut maps = maps_handle_clone .lock() .expect("Maps handle mutex was poisoned"); maps.pollen = Some(maps_stub(24)); drop(maps); // There should be a map now. let response = client .get("/map?address=eindhoven&metric=pollen") .dispatch(); assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::Ok); assert_eq!(response.content_type(), Some(ContentType::PNG)); // ... but not if it is out of bounds. let response = client.get("/map?address=berlin&metric=pollen").dispatch(); assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::NotFound); // No metric selected, don't know which map to show? let response = client.get("/map?address=eindhoven").dispatch(); assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::NotFound); } #[test] fn map_geo() { let maps_handle = Arc::new(Mutex::new(Maps::new())); let maps_handle_clone = Arc::clone(&maps_handle); let client = Client::tracked(rocket(maps_handle)).expect("Not a valid Rocket instance"); // No metric passed, don't know which map to show? let response = client.get("/map?lat=51.4&lon=5.5").dispatch(); assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::NotFound); // No maps available yet. let response = client.get("/map?lat=51.4&lon=5.5&metric=pollen").dispatch(); assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::ServiceUnavailable); // Load some dummy map. let mut maps = maps_handle_clone .lock() .expect("Maps handle mutex was poisoned"); maps.pollen = Some(maps_stub(24)); drop(maps); // There should be a map now. let response = client.get("/map?lat=51.4&lon=5.5&metric=pollen").dispatch(); assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::Ok); assert_eq!(response.content_type(), Some(ContentType::PNG)); // No metric passed, don't know which map to show? let response = client.get("/map?lat=51.4&lon=5.5").dispatch(); assert_eq!(response.status(), Status::NotFound); } }