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//! The Buienradar data provider.
//! For more information about Buienradar, see: <>
//! and <>.
use cached::proc_macro::cached;
use chrono::offset::TimeZone;
use chrono::serde::ts_seconds;
use chrono::{DateTime, Datelike, Duration, NaiveTime, ParseError, Utc};
use chrono_tz::Europe;
use csv::ReaderBuilder;
use reqwest::Url;
use rocket::serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use crate::maps::MapsHandle;
use crate::position::Position;
use crate::Metric;
/// The base URL for the Buienradar API.
const BUIENRADAR_BASE_URL: &str = "";
/// The Buienradar pollen/UV index map sample.
pub(crate) type Sample = crate::maps::Sample;
/// A row in the precipitation text output.
/// This is an intermediate type used to represent rows of the output.
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
#[serde(crate = "rocket::serde")]
struct Row {
/// The precipitation value in the range `0..=255`.
value: u16,
/// The time in the `HH:MM` format.
time: String,
/// The Buienradar API precipitation data item.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
#[serde(crate = "rocket::serde", try_from = "Row")]
pub(crate) struct Item {
/// The time(stamp) of the forecast.
#[serde(serialize_with = "ts_seconds::serialize")]
pub(crate) time: DateTime<Utc>,
/// The forecasted value.
/// Its unit is mm/h.
pub(crate) value: f32,
impl TryFrom<Row> for Item {
type Error = ParseError;
fn try_from(row: Row) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
let time = parse_time(&row.time)?;
let value = convert_value(row.value);
Ok(Item { time, value })
/// Parses a time string to date/time in the UTC time zone.
/// The provided time has the format `HH:MM` and is considered to be in the Europe/Amsterdam
/// time zone.
fn parse_time(t: &str) -> Result<DateTime<Utc>, ParseError> {
// First, get the current date in the Europe/Amsterdam time zone.
let today = Utc::now().with_timezone(&Europe::Amsterdam).date();
// Then, parse the time and interpret it relative to "today".
let ntime = NaiveTime::parse_from_str(t, "%H:%M")?;
let ndtime = today.naive_local().and_time(ntime);
// Finally, interpret the naive date/time in the Europe/Amsterdam time zone and convert it to
// the UTC time zone.
let ldtime = Europe::Amsterdam.from_local_datetime(&ndtime).unwrap();
let dtime = ldtime.with_timezone(&Utc);
/// Converts a precipitation value into an precipitation intensity value in mm/h.
/// For the conversion formula, see: <>.
fn convert_value(v: u16) -> f32 {
let base: f32 = 10.0;
let value = base.powf((v as f32 - 109.0) / 32.0);
(value * 10.0).round() / 10.0
/// Fix the timestamps of the items either before or after the day boundary.
/// If in the Europe/Amsterdam time zone it is still before 0:00, all timestamps after 0:00 need to
/// be bumped up with a day. If it is already after 0:00, all timestamps before 0:00 need to be
/// bumped back with a day.
// TODO: If something in Sinoptik needs unit tests, it is this!
fn fix_items_day_boundary(items: Vec<Item>) -> Vec<Item> {
let now = Utc::now().with_timezone(&Europe::Amsterdam);
// Use noon on the same day as "now" as a comparison moment.
let noon = Europe::Amsterdam
.ymd(now.year(), now.month(),
.and_hms(12, 0, 0);
if now < noon {
// It is still before noon, so bump timestamps after noon a day back.
.map(|mut item| {
if item.time > noon {
item.time = item.time - Duration::days(1)
} else {
// It is already after noon, so bump the timestamps before noon a day forward.
.map(|mut item| {
if item.time < noon {
item.time = item.time + Duration::days(1)
/// Retrieves the Buienradar forecasted precipitation items for the provided position.
/// Returns [`None`] if retrieval or deserialization fails.
/// If the result is [`Some`] it will be cached for 5 minutes for the the given position.
#[cached(time = 300, option = true)]
async fn get_precipitation(position: Position) -> Option<Vec<Item>> {
let mut url = Url::parse(BUIENRADAR_BASE_URL).unwrap();
.append_pair("lat", &position.lat_as_str(2))
.append_pair("lon", &position.lon_as_str(2));
println!("▶️ Retrieving Buienradar data from: {url}");
let response = reqwest::get(url).await.ok()?;
let output = match response.error_for_status() {
Ok(res) => res.text().await.ok()?,
Err(_err) => return None,
let mut rdr = ReaderBuilder::new()
let items: Vec<Item> = rdr.deserialize().collect::<Result<_, _>>().ok()?;
// Check if the first item stamp is (timewise) later than the last item stamp.
// In this case `parse_time` interpreted e.g. 23:00 and later 0:30 in the same day and some
// time stamps need to be fixed.
if items
.map(|(it1, it2)| it1.time > it2.time)
== Some(true)
} else {
/// Retrieves the Buienradar forecasted pollen samples for the provided position.
/// Returns [`None`] if the sampling fails.
/// If the result is [`Some`] if will be cached for 1 hour for the given position.
time = 3_600,
key = "Position",
convert = r#"{ position }"#,
option = true
async fn get_pollen(position: Position, maps_handle: &MapsHandle) -> Option<Vec<Sample>> {
.expect("Maps handle mutex was poisoned")
/// Retrieves the Buienradar forecasted UV index samples for the provided position.
/// Returns [`None`] if the sampling fails.
/// If the result is [`Some`] if will be cached for 1 day for the given position.
time = 86_400,
key = "Position",
convert = r#"{ position }"#,
option = true
async fn get_uvi(position: Position, maps_handle: &MapsHandle) -> Option<Vec<Sample>> {
.expect("Maps handle mutex was poisoned")
/// Retrieves the Buienradar forecasted map samples for the provided position.
/// It only supports the following metric:
/// * [`Metric::Pollen`]
/// * [`Metric::UVI`]
/// Returns [`None`] if retrieval or deserialization fails, or if the metric is not supported by
/// this provider.
pub(crate) async fn get_samples(
position: Position,
metric: Metric,
maps_handle: &MapsHandle,
) -> Option<Vec<Sample>> {
match metric {
Metric::Pollen => get_pollen(position, maps_handle).await,
Metric::UVI => get_uvi(position, maps_handle).await,
_ => None,
/// Retrieves the Buienradar forecasted items for the provided position.
/// It only supports the following metric:
/// * [`Metric::Precipitation`]
/// Returns [`None`] if retrieval or deserialization fails, or if the metric is not supported by
/// this provider.
pub(crate) async fn get_items(position: Position, metric: Metric) -> Option<Vec<Item>> {
match metric {
Metric::Precipitation => get_precipitation(position).await,
_ => None,