version: '3' services: server: image: solar-grabber:latest build: . restart: unless-stopped ports: - 2399:8000 # Use a `Rocket.toml` or configure the credentials using environment variables below volumes: - ./Rocket.toml:/app/Rocket.toml environment: ROCKET_LOG_LEVEL: normal # Available levels are: off, debug, normal, critical # For My Autarco, use the these variabels and uncomment them # ROCKET_KIND: MyAutarco # ROCKET_USERNAME: foo@domain.tld # ROCKET_PASSWORD: secret # ROCKET_SITE_ID: abc123de # For Hoymiles, use the these variabels and uncomment them # ROCKET_KIND: HoyMiles # ROCKET_USERNAME: foo@domain.tld # ROCKET_PASSWORD: secret # ROCKET_SID: 123456 shm_size: '2gb'