Paul van Tilburg d787c8b3ab
Fix issue in Hoymiles where total energy decreases
Sometimes it can be that `today_eq` is reset when the day switches but
it has not been added to `total_eq` yet. The `total_eq` should always be
non-decreasing, so return the last known value until this is corrected
(this most suredly happens during the night).

Also, allow for `login` and `update` to mutate the state of the service
to be able to update things like the last known total produced energy
2023-01-15 13:41:40 +01:00

52 lines
1.6 KiB

//! The supported cloud services.
pub(crate) mod hoymiles;
pub(crate) mod my_autarco;
use enum_dispatch::enum_dispatch;
use rocket::async_trait;
use serde::Deserialize;
use crate::Status;
/// The service-specific configuration necessary to access a cloud service API.
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
#[serde(crate = "rocket::serde", tag = "kind")]
pub(crate) enum Config {
/// Hoymiles (<>)
/// My Autarco (<>)
/// Retrieves the service for the provided name (if supported).
pub(crate) fn get(config: Config) -> color_eyre::Result<Services> {
match config {
Config::Hoymiles(config) => Ok(Services::Hoymiles(hoymiles::service(config)?)),
Config::MyAutarco(config) => Ok(Services::MyAutarco(my_autarco::service(config)?)),
/// The supported cloud services.
pub(crate) enum Services {
/// Hoymiles (<>)
/// My Autarco (<>)
/// Functionality trait of a cloud service.
pub(crate) trait Service {
/// The interval between data polls (in seconds).
fn poll_interval(&self) -> u64;
/// Perfoms a login on the cloud service (if necessary).
async fn login(&mut self) -> Result<(), reqwest::Error>;
/// Retrieves a status update using the API of the cloud service.
async fn update(&mut self, timestamp: u64) -> Result<Status, reqwest::Error>;