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Our new cloud service: Nextcloud post 2017-12-15 21:03:19

We have decided to replace ownCloud with Nextcloud. The migration from ownCloud 10 to Nextcloud 13 has gone very smoothly and after a few weeks of testing, this is going to be our new, real cloud service. Nextcloud offers us much more stability in the future and already mature services and applications. Every Luon user can access it using the login credential to used access his/her/their email.

As a result of the switch, the DAViCal CalDAV/CardDAV services will be shutdown in the following two weeks as these services are present within Nextcloud, work just as well and also offer a web view.

Nextcloud has the following cloud services:

  • File storage
  • Image gallery view on files, convenient for sharing
  • Contacts
  • Calendars
  • Notes

All of these services offer sharing items (calendars, contacts, appointments, files, folders, etc.) within Nextcloud, but also with external users via public or private links (with a shared key).

For more information about this service, see the service page.